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A Paparazzi Accessories Fundraiser with Cuter Than Most Accessories is the perfect way to raise funds for your organization! Whether you're part of a school club, sports team, cheer squad or band, a Paparazzi Fundraiser is an easy way to fund your next event or activity. A Paparazzi Fundraiser also works great for raising funds for women's shelters, non-profits, medical or accident victims, or any other worthy cause.


It's easy! Simply follow the steps below:

Time needed: 10 minutes.

How to run an amazing Paparazzi Accessories Fundraiser with Cuter Than Most Accessories:

  • Contact me to enroll your organization
  • Email me at or facebook message me at  to enroll your organization in a Paparazzi Accessories Fundraiser with Cuter Than Most Accessories. Send me your name, organization and purpose for the fundraiser. I will reach out to you upon receipt of your email or message to confirm the details within 48 hours.

  • Receive your unique fundraiser code
  • Once your enrollment info is received, I will send you a unique code to use at

  • Share your fundraiser code!
  • Share your unique Paparazzi Accessories Fundraiser code and the link to with your friends, family, and others. Anytime someone shops at and checks out using your special code, you will receive 25% of that sale. For example, if someone spends $10 on our site (before shipping and taxes), you will receive $2.50! That is an amazing rate compared to most sales-based fundraisers. And your friends and family will love the amazing $5 bling deals! IMPORTANT: those participating in the fundraiser must use the special code at checkout in order for their sales to count; it is the only way to track and credit you for their purchases.

  • Get PAID!
  • At the conclusion of your Paparazzi Fundraiser with Cuter Than Most Accessories, I will send you a report of your sales along with your payment. Funds can be dispersed via check or PayPal.

    That's it! Super easy and very effective. Your fundraiser participants will love how easy it is to message, email and socially share their unique code and the Cuter Than Most Accessories website to raise funds. And you will love how much money you can raise for your worthy cause!

    If you have any questions, please contact me via Email or facebook message!

    Interested in joining Paparazzi to earn additional income? Click here to learn more and get started!